An extension from the online radio show (The Spinout Show) the revue is a musical show platform for all forms of musical purveyors, with a core element of DJ’s Lee ‘Grimmers’ Grimshaw and Dave Grimshaw, and vocalist Little Miss Mojo, often enrolling guests to assist with creating the vibe at various venues and festivals.
Expect a primary offering of 60s Club Soul, 60s R&B, Northern Soul, Funk, Mod Raves, 60s Garage, Boogaloo and Exotic Delights.
The Revue often includes a live vocal performance from Little Miss Mojo – amongst Lee’s record collection are authentic backing tracks, where Little Miss Mojo provides the soulful vocals in order to bring the record alive.
In 2018 alone, the revue was showcased at Boardmasters Festival, Looe Music Festival, Shiiine On Weekender (Butlins, supporting the Main Stage), Las Vegas High Rollers Weekender and various venues in Cornwall, including both DJ’s and bands. 2019 will see a return to these events.
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